
music player
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Tuesday, April 8, 2008

New Ways of Creativity in my Generation

I believe that my teen subculture is very technology based. Practically everyone I know has a facebook or myspace, cell phone, iPod, etc. It seems to me that a lot of my generation has technological gadgets and uses them for entertainment. It seems to me that because of this there is lots more ways of expressing a person’s creativity. Youtube is an excellent example, the whole site is made up of people posting homemade videos or videos compiled of different shows, It definitely shows that my generation is more creative and expressive through their artwork. Also, because technology has allowed for cheaper production it seems that mp3s and cameras are more accessible, so they are common now, whereas they used to be very rare. This also adds to my generation’s creativity because the availability to take pictures and incorporate interesting things into our lives.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

In Most Stituations Don't We all only listen for personal gain?

In many different situations i find that people are only listening so that they can get something out of it. In some situtions, which are rare, people do listen because they truly want to hear and help, but in the end what you tell them can somehow cause them to be more informed. In the quote, "It's a shame that the only people who are listening to you are only interested in you because they want you and your peers to buy their product." Yes, its sounds awful, but i believe that it occurs in many other situations and at least they are asking us what we like, instead of telling us what to like. If these companies weren't even thinking of their consumers then i would be worried because people listening to each other only for some sort gain is very normal. In school, for example half the time people only listen to their teacher because they want to know what will be on the test so that they will get a good grade and then their GPA will be high. Then this high GPA will get them into college. It is very common that a student has an ulterior motive for listening to what their teacher is saying. This is very similar to parents and children. Parents and children both listen to each other so that they can form a better relationship. If they both listen then they can learn more and become closer, i know it may seem harsh, but in most situations this is true. From many different "presentation" people only listen for self gain. But this is not always true and it isn't that bad because in some situations the fact that a person would want to achieve self gain from what you are saying is a compliment.

Fav Song's Meaning, not what's expected

After reviewing the song lyrics over and over again it becomes clear that the song is maybe about a guy who is avoiding another girl “so I can keep from going insane.” So he can go to another girl and “we can do a one night stand.” This song definitely has a trace of infidelity. The guy definitely is unsure of what to do and that in the mean while they can just get together. He’s up for anything because he’s used to being turned down and that she can leave him as well if “it suits you just the same”. It has a trace of pain in the past and that is why he is doing this.
I first really like this song because of the tempo and the beat. It is a very chill song and I remember the “one night stand” part, but I never got that he could be cheating on his girlfriend, which is right in the beginning. I first identified with these lyrics because it was about love and pain and I always have a liking to those kinds of songs because thay are real and can help anyone in multiple different situations. Now that I learned that the lyrics could possible mean infidelity, then it isn’t my favorite, but I still like the tempo/beat combination. Sometimes I just like songs in the background and that’s what my favorite songs are to me, but not every time I listen to this song I think “is he cheating?”

Powter's values are very similar to our generation's

In Daniel Powter’s songs it becomes evident through his song “Hollywood” that he values fame and power. In our world today it seems that everything ends up revolving around money and fame. We see children fighting for designer items, just like the hottest celebs. It is very clear that our generation values expensive things and fame. Every little girl wants to be like Hannah Montana and in Daniel Powter’s songs he definitely brings up the fact that money is very prevelent and buying things. In his song he sees a good-looking girl and wants her like Hollywood. The fact that he titles a song “Hollywood” shows that in our world Hollywood is very important.
He also presents some social issues that are occurring. For example, one song is “Lost on a stoop” which talks about “rejects.” He describes how soon your life is lost on a stoop and in disrepair. He portrays this as bad when you fall off your course. It shows that in our world we value and when something goes wrong it is looked down upon and upsetting. Along with “Bad day” another song of upset and despair, it seems like anything can get you down and that in our world we value trying to avoiding failure.
He also, presents our world’s obsession of avoiding our problems and just getting high to avoid it. In the song “Jimmy Gets High” he describes a boy who just drowns in his problems by getting high. When people disapprove he just gets high. I think that Daniel is criticizing people who hide behind drugs to avoid problems, an issue that is prevalent among many celebs and important, I hope that our generation values the distance from drugs and I think that that is what Daniel is trying to do through his song.