
music player
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Monday, May 19, 2008

Capital Punishment

The liberal side to capital punishment is to outlaw it. They believe that it is wrong and that killing a person for killing someone is awful and should be taken away. Also, they argue that innocent people may be killed for a crime they did not commit. Also, they counteract the argument that capital punishment is a deterrent because the number of crimes did not change. The Conservative argument on the other hand is that "if you commit the crime, pay the fine." Also, if someone kills someone they should be ready to take the consequences and capital punishment is an equal consequence because its a life for a life.

Once again, i am conservative with some liberal views. If a person kills someone we should protect ourselves from the damage that they can cause on us. Also, i feel like it would be more expensive to keep them locked them up than just killing them. In class it was said that court charges are expensive, but doesnt the family have to pay for that, whereas the people have to pay for the person to sit in jail through their tax money. Would you really want your money go to helping criminals who killed someone? Also, i feel like the extent to which a person may change and regret their decisions will never make up for what they have done

Gun Control

The liberal side of gun control is that guns are a dangerous weapon and there should be some more laws controlling who can have them. The 2nd amendment is outdated and should be changed. There have been so many school shooting, which could have been avoided with some gun regulations. On the other hand, conservatives believe that the founding fathers included the right to bear arms in the bill of rights and therefore they should be kept. Also, a person should have the right to defend themselves from other people. Guns are not the problem and people are! They argue that many people die from heart disease and we do not see people being forced to exercise. Finally, they believe that if we outlaw guns, people will still find a way to get them through illegal transactions.

After fully researching the conservative side i have come to realize that they make many valid points and i am way more conservative now on this topic than i was before. I feel like the argument about criminals will just find another weapon is so true, and wouldn't it be easier to know what their weapons could be? I mean, what if they create a more destructive weapon and we wouldn't know how to defend ourselves. On the other hand i feel like we should try to have more control on who can buy a gun, so that guns do not get in the hands of the wrong people, so i am mostly conservative with some liberal on this topic.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Gay Marriage

The liberal side believes that gays should have equal rights as anyone else and marriage is included. Also, they believe that there is no harm in allowing same sex marriage because they are humans and just want a normal life too.
The conservations believe that marriage is a sacred sacrament saved more a man and a woman. They also believe that being gay is a sin and therefore should not be acknowledged by the church. Finally, the reason for marriage is to have children and a gay couple can not do this.

On this topic i cannot clearly attempt to pick a side. i believe that a person cannot help it if they are gay, it is just the way they are an there is nothing to do to change that. On the other side,
i do see marriage as a sacred sacrament, i dont always approve of divorce, so i am hesitant to allow anyone to just get married. I do believe that gays should have equal rights, but i think that it will be a long time until gay marriage will be fully accepted, it is not until now that they are finally being semi-accepted in our society, so i believe that we should focus more on their basic rights right now.


On the subject of abortion, liberals believe in ProChoice. This is an individual decision and should not be controlled by the government. Also, many liberals believe that people are going to try and perform abortions anyways so to protect the public, they should not outlaw it.
The conservatives, however, believe that it is morally wrong to have an abortion, pregnancy is the result of a decision to have sex and that if someone is to get pregnant they should deal with the consequences. Also, to abort a child is the same thing as murder, which should be outlawed. Also, there are many serious health problems that can be associated with abortion

I personally is conservative with a pinch of liberal on this topic, I actually do believe that abortion is morally wrong, you are killing someone! it may still be a fetus, but that does not make them less of a person. It just seems so wrong when you could just go through with the pregnancy and give the baby up for adoption, there are so many people in need of a child and abortion is a selfish excuse for some people. Now, for my pinch of liberalness, i do feel like their should be an exception and that is rape. it is such a terrifying experience in and of itself that to make a person have to go through 9 months (or more) with the act right on you is horrible, so i do approve that abortion is right in this case.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Conservative Vs. Liberal

In my opinion I believe that conservative views are views that are held back. What I mean is that they are strong views, but are not necessarily always in your face extremes. They have strong positions, but they are reserved in the ways they present it, they can be sometimes outspoken.
Also, I believe that many conservative views are based off religion, whereas liberals are just open to anything.

Whereas to be liberal is to be open minded, believe in the extremes, and loud about it. Whenever someone, in my opinion, is liberal they seem to always bring it into conversation and try to broadcast it to the world, but conservatives are reserved. Liberals seem to be more focused on helping the individual than everyone, they consider the individual person not the whole group of poeple. Basically, to be conservative and to be liberal are very different things.